Shop Robbery [ESX,QB]
- Well-optimized
- 0.01 ms | Idle
- 0.05 ms – 0.10 ms | In usage
- Uses FiveM Asset Escrow system, but if there is anything you would like to get changed or added to the editable file, contact me and I can probably change it!
- Highly customizable
- Change settings of blips easily in the config file
- Change chances for alerts & chance for the cashier to attack you
- Change durations for events
- Change cops needed and the name of the police job
- & much more
- How does it work? (watch video above for a good understanding)
- Registers
- You can lockpick all the cash registers in stores
- When completed you’ll get money and police will get an alert
- Small chance for the cashier to attack you
- Safes
- You can lockpick all the safes in stores
- When completed you’ll get money and police will get an alert
- You can disable alarms to lower (or completely disable) the chances of police alerts
- Shoplifting
- You can shoplift from the shelves of the shops
- Add as many items as you wan’t as reward
- Police will get an alert and high chance of the cashier attacking you
- Robbing the cashier
- Aim your gun at the cashier
- Cashier will start collecting money in a bag and give it to you
- When completed you’ll get money and police will get an alert
- Small chance for the cashier to attack you
- Registers
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Also, Check more esx scripts and qbcore scripts
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