
IPhone V2 [QB]

Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $5.00.


Buy Now IPhone  For QB  IPhone ESX , IPhone  qbcore, IPhone FiveM , IPhone fivem , IPhone job , IPhone fivem job , IPhone fivem , ESX Script, QBcore Script

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IPhone V2 [QB]

IPhone V2 [QB]

IPhone V2 QB FrameWork

General Setup
General setup is quite easy, delete your OLD qb-phone
if you server havent been running previously then go ahead and run the provided SQL file in your database.

If your server has been running qb-phone previously please update your sql while being carefull and take a backup so you have no data lost.

After the SQL setup you can now drop the resource into your server and start it up while you conduct the next steps.

Employment setup
Setting up employment and multijob can be quite tricky so make sure to reread this if you have any issues…


Also, Check more esx scripts and qbcore scripts

Fivem Mlo