Blips Creator V2 [ESX,QB]
- Players can create, edit and delete their own blips very easily
- Blips can be placed in the map without knowing any coordinates, or if you prefer, you can use coordinates too
- Players can share their blips with anyone
- Administrators can create, edit and delete global blips, which will be seen by all players
- All blips can be hidden by the players, so if they prefer not seeing a blip that can be done easily
- More than 500 icons can be used for the blips
- All the blips can have a custom color
- Blips can be shown in main map, minimap or both
- Blips can be duplicated easily, so you can create multiple copies of a blip but in different locations
- Standalone
Blips types
- Coordinates Blip – The player can choose the blip icon from hundreds of icons
- Radius Blip – This blip will be a circle with radius defined by the player
- Area Blip – This blip will be an area with customizable width and height
- Download the script
- Extract wherever you want into your resources
- Add ACE permission “blipcreator” to allow admins create global blips
- Add SQL file to database
- Add ensure blips_creator in your server.cfg
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Also, Check more esx scripts and qbcore scripts
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