Admin Menu [ESX]
Admin Menu [ESX]
Player Management
- General Options
- Noclip
- Revive (Yourself)
- God Mode
- See the names around you
- Player Blips
- Spawn Weapons
- Player Options
- Kill
- Revive (The Player)
- Freeze
- Spectate
- Go to
- Bring
- Sit in vehicle
- Open Inventory
- Give Clothing Menu
- Administration
- Kick
- Ban system that checks up if you’re banned (only for the ban with the menu)
- Permissions
- Vehicles Options
- Spawn Vehicle
- Own the vehicle you’re sit in (If its not owned)
- Delete Vehicle
- Set Max Mods on the vehicle
- Fix Vehicle
- Player Information List
All of those you can set up the permissions for each rank (between the ranks you have on your server, on the Config side)
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Video Player
Also, Check more esx scripts and qbcore scripts
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