
Utility Functions [ESX,QB]

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Utility Functions [ESX,QB] | FiveM | Grand Theft Auto 5 | Optimized | Mod | High Quality | FikveM Store

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Utility Functions [ESX,QB]

Open source utility functions from esx-core, showcasing versatile tools for developers and enhancing software functionality.

Utility Functions [ESX,QB]


  • Require: Emulates Lua’s default require function, using package.path, package.preload and package.loaded. Also precaches all modules labled as file in the fxmanifest.lua and any modules that are imported using the require function.
  • Array: A class for the creation and manipulation of consecutive integer indexed arrays, providing a number of Functional Programming methods.
  • Bridge: Provides common functions between different frameworks and libraries for use in creating cross-framework scripts.
  • Locale: Contains functions for localisation and translation, based on the i18n.lua library by kikito.
  • Math: Contains some useful math functions, including a seedrng function which generates a random seed based on the current time, and an improvement to the default lua random function.
  • Vector: Contains some useful vector functions, including a getclosest function which finds the closest vector3 in an array to a given vector3.
  • Blips: Contains functions for managing blips, including getallonscreenbycoordsbyspritebytypegetinfo and remove.
  • Pools: Contains functions for managing entity pools, including getpedsgetvehiclesgetobjectsgetpickupsgetclosestpedgetclosestvehiclegetclosestobject and getclosestpickup.
  • Streaming: Contains functions for managing streaming, including loadanimdictloadanimsetloadcollisionloadiplloadmodel and loadptfx.
  • Scope: Contains functions for managing scope, including getplayerscopetriggerscopeeventcreatesyncedscopeevent and removesyncedscopeevent.
  • Zone: Contains functions for management of map zones similar to PolyZone but is server-side only, including containsgetzonegetzonenamegetzoneindexaddzoneevent and removezoneevent.
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