
Nopixel 4.0 Hud [QB]

Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $5.00.


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Nopixel 4.0 Hud [QB]

Nopixel 4.0 Hud [QB]

Nopixel 4.0 Hud QB FrameWork

Heavily edited of QBCore Hud by me into Nopixel 4.0 inspired design with manual transmission

Things you should know:

  • To open the menu in-game the default key is “I” or you can type “/menu”
  • Your settings will always be stored locally, so even if you delete the resource it will keep your current settings. The only way you can wipe the local storage sucessfully is by clicking the “Reset Settings” button on the in-game menu
  • If you want the new super snazzy sound effects for the menu, you’ll need to download the latest update of interact-sound
    (comes with new open menu sound, close menu sound, click menu sound)
  • If you receive attempt to index a nil value (global 'Lang') in your F8 console, the fastest way you can fix that issue is by downloading a new version via txAdminRecipe but if you are unable to do that because of the progress you’ve made on your existing build; you’ll have to unfortunately go through and download each one from the GitHub which I do not recommend. Save yourself a lot of time and pain by just downloading the recipe!


Q: Why do my borders not align with the maps?

A: Most of the time it generally means your safezone is not set to default in your GTA settings. (Settings/Display/”Restore Defaults”)

Q: How do I enable dev mode?

A: Simple! All you have to do is type /admin and navigate through the menu to the last section called “Developer Options” and inside there you should see “Dev Mode”, this will keep you invincible and add a cool developer icon in your circles/radials

Q: What does the purple circle/radial do?

A: That is your harness indicator! When you have the item “harness” in your inventory and while in a vehicle it will appear. Also, when you use your item “harness”, the circle/radial will reflect the amount of uses left and decrease overtime.

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Also, Check more esx scripts and qbcore scripts

Fivem Mlo