Mechanic System [QB]
- RGB Color Supported (option)
- Parts prices will now be adjusted according to vehicle prices. In other words, the parts prices of an expensive vehicle and a cheap vehicle will not be the same.
- Players can purchase Mechanic businesses.
- The operating feature can be turned off and the mechanics are accessible to anyone. (These settings are available in the config files)
- Multiple mechanical businesses can be created.
- All purchased items are added to a cart and the mechanic can invoice the vehicle owner.
- Engine, Brake, Turbo, Suspension and many other upgrades are available.
- Players can install colored headlights on their vehicles.
- Players can change their plates via the mechanic.
- Vehicle Repair Fee is calculated based on damage to the vehicle. It is not a fixed price.
- Mechanic owner can give discounts to players.
- The owner of the mechanic can arrange the money her employees will receive for each modification.
- Mechanical Owner can withdraw and deposit money from the safe
- The mechanic owner can hire or fire someone new.
- The Mechanical Owner may transfer her business to another person.
- The Mechanic Owner can access the customer history and clear the list through the Boss Menu.
- The mechanical owner can change the name of the business.
- Free Camera is available.
- It has the feature of zooming to the selected part.
- There is an option setting that will allow only the vehicles registered in the database to be modified.
- More Color Types Added.
- Mechanics can spawn the hammer and tow vehicles
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