Gear Changing Animation [ESX,QB]


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Gear Changing Animation [ESX,QB]

Gear Changing Animation [ESX,QB]

Features (configurable through the ini file)
-Gear Shifting Animation for vehicles and
-bikes (can be turned off; shifting with hands or leg)
-If you shift multiple times in a short time, the animation still only play once. The feature is shown in the video I added.
-The animation are changeable in the ini file, you can use your own animation or the one you like the most from the examples
-Compatibility with Manual Transmission by ikt (Automatic detection)
If you use it with ManualTransmission, you must have at least version 5.5.1
-Compatibility with different Gearboxes(bike and vehicle): Automatic, Sequential, H-Pattern (Only with ManualTransmission)
-Automatically detectable RHD/LHD and automatically changing shift animation(Full credit goes to ikt for sharing his code with me)
-Left and Right hand wheel Compatibility/Shifting Animations
-Shifting Sounds for each vehicle gear
-Shifting Sounds for the motorcycle gears
-Sound will be louder in first person than in other view modes
-Current gear text and Manual Transmission information text

Planned for future
• Paddle shift anim

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Also, Check more esx scripts and qbcore scripts

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