
Gang System V2 [QB]

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $34.00.


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Gang System V2 [QB]

Gang system V2 [QB]


  • If you place a gang flag, peds mentioned in config for that gang will spawn near that area to provide realism.
  • Gangs can buy one flag and one flag removal once every tsunami.
  • Price of gang flags increase as they keep on buying it. (more flags, more money, multiplier is available in config)
  • More flags placed, more money they get from selling drugs. Multiplier and everything is present in config.
  • Event to trigger to buy flags/removal is given in cl_buyflags.lua. Trigger that event through qb-target or wherever you want to.
  • Lot of configurable values to play with the count of gang members, time required to rob, etc are present in config.lua
  • Make sure to read through unencrypted files to edit target options, notification, mail, etc to suit your needs.
  • Flags can be placed next to each other and doesnt allow players to place their gang flags all over the place
  • Can add as many gangs you want (make sure the props are different so that the targets dont mix up. Check Config to add more gangs and follow it.)
  • Option to customize the drugs sold at cornerselling. Can add as many drugs you want.
  • Support added for circular progressbar to change font awesome icons
  • Reputation factor where more the locals of your gang are robbed, lesser money you make while cornerselling, you need to cornersell more to get build your reputation back.
  • Everything is persistent i.e it can go through server restarts.
  • Blips can be toggled using /toggleblip command (logic can be found in cl_customise.lua)
  • Comes with preconfigured 4 gangs and 6 flag props (2 can be configured)
  • Video probably coming soon. Since the features are too many, kind of difficult to make a video showcasing each and everything.


  • qb-core
  • qb-target
  • qb-menu

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Also, Check more esx scripts and qbcore scripts

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