Emotes (390+ emotes) Walkingstyles [ESX,QB]
Emotes (390+ emotes) Walkingstyles, Keybinding, Dances, Expressions and Shared Emotes
start dpemotes
- /e | /emote (emotename) = to do an emote
- U key to Ragdoll (can be disabled in script, for servers that use it for other stuff)
- X key to cancel emote (can be disabled in script, for servers that use it for other stuff)
- /e c = to cancel emote
- /emotemenu = to display a menu with all the emotes
- F3 = to display a menu with all the emotes/other menus
- /emotes = to display all emotes
- /walks = to display all walks
- /walk (walkname) to change walk style
- /nearby (nearbyemotename) to invite nearby player to a nearbyemote
- /emotebind (key) (emote) to bind an emote!
- in Config.lua there are some options you can play with.
- You can disable / change the keybind for the emote menu (F3) by default.
- You can disable “X” to cancel emotes.
- You can disable “U” to ragdoll.
- You can disable the walkingstyles menu.
- You can enable Disarming the player when they do an emote (just puts the gun away then does the emote)
Final notes
- Feel free to edit the script and use it for your own stuff in anyway you want.
- If you have any suggestions / fixes you can let me know here in the comments or in dms / pullrequests.
- There are not that many emotes with props, as i havent found a way to easily figure out prop positioning, if anyone has any tips on how to do that easily, i would love to know.
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Also, Check more esx scripts and qbcore scripts
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