World Interactions [ESX,QB]
World Interactions [ESX,QB]
- uses dui, allowing for full style customization through css
- supports ox_core, esx, and qb/qbx
- add interactions to models, players, ped, objects
- entity bone support
- group option filtering
- required item(s) filtering
- networked and local entity handling
- cleanup for dead interaction data (entity no longer valid)
- resmon:
- inactive: 0.00-0.01
- active drawing 1 interaction: 0.05-0.07
- active drawing multiple: 0.08-0.11
- ox_core, qb, or ESX (this is for job checking and item checking)
- ox_inventory (optional, item checking and also improved trunk interactions using vehicle data)
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Also, Check more esx scripts and qbcore scripts
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